About Us
The measure of success for any sporting club but in particular a cricket club is not collecting
premierships, making finals appearances or even in winning – though all of those things certainly help
and tend to make cricket a lot more enjoyable. What truly defines the success of a cricket club are the
people who are involved in the club itself, the players at all levels, and the people behind the scenes
such as the volunteers that dedicate their time to be on the board of the club, tend the canteen, prepare
the grounds and coach the junior age groups.
When you play against Lake Illawarra Cricket Club for any amount of time, you find that you know all the players you
come up against as the same faces are there year after year. They still turn up, are always competitive,
while still enjoying each other’s company and enjoying their cricket. That kind of commitment and
continued desire to play for that length of time, is a remarkable thing to be involved in. To continue to
be strong through all grades on an annual basis, while being able to generate new, exciting young talent
to play in all grades and to have the experienced players move up and down and offer that experience
to the next generation coming through, is what becomes a key factor in retaining that successful format.
That becomes culture and the fabric in which the club has been built.
Lake Illawarra Cricket Club has always had a generational feel about it. The same family names can be seen through
the years. Fathers end up playing with sons and daughters, and then they end up playing with their sons
and daughters. Uncles play with nieces and nephews. Family members support, volunteer and watch.
It’s a camaraderie that Lake Illawarra Cricket Club can be truly proud of. And in turn, success breeds success. Juniors
come through into grade cricket, not only having watched their fathers, family and their friends play
when they were young, but then being able to play with them as they progress. They learn how to play
cricket on the job in the comfort of knowing they are playing with people they admire and trust.
The Lakers Way.
Lake Illawarra has been home for some of the most exceptional players this region has ever seen. Their
statistical records tell a story, but not always the whole story. Sometimes what is done on this side of
the fence is more important than what is done once you walk through the gate.
The measure of success as a Club is players and teams enjoying their cricket together, and their families
and supporters being there each week to come along for the ride. In this regard, the Lake Illawarra
South Cricket Club has been exceptional. After 75 years, this is a time to celebrate the history of those
years, and also to look to the future and that continued success.